In the Wake: Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11
Location: Japan Society, New York
Date: March, 2016
Services Provided: Exhibition Design, Casework Design, Construction Documents

Excerpt from Japan Society Press Release:
"The catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that struck northeast Japan on March 11, 2011 and triggered an on-going nuclear crisis has been met with an overwhelming reaction in the arts, marking a profound shift in the contemporary Japanese cultural landscape. Opening five years to the day since 3/11, Japan Society’s presentation of In the Wake reveals a stunning range of photographic responses to the disaster and the artistic paths that lie ahead as Japan continues to rebuild. Experience the power of art to transcend unspeakable tragedy with over 90 photographic works by 17 of Japan’s leading visionaries, including Nobuyoshi Araki, Naoya Hatakeyama, Keizō Kitajima, Lieko Shiga, and Tomoko Yoneda."