Walkers: Hollywood Afterlives in Art and Artifact
Location: Museum of the Moving Image, New York
Date: November 2015
Curator: Robert M. Rubin
Services Provided: Exhibition Design, Casework Design, Construction Documents

All photography is the exclusive property of Museum of the Moving Image
Excerpt from MoMI Press Release:
"“As an institution dedicated to the advancement of our cultural and intellectual understanding of the moving image, we are very enthusiastic about taking this significant step forward for our institution,” explained Museum of the Moving Image Executive Director Carl Goodman. "This is easily the largest, most ambitious contemporary art exhibition mounted by the Museum, and the first to include works— painting, photography, and sculpture—that are not media-based. These works form the foundation of Walkers because of their deep thematic connection to popular cinema."
Of the many forms of media that arose in the twentieth century, there is perhaps none more enduring than Hollywood cinema. In the twenty-first century, films are distributed digitally in movie theaters and beyond, and increasingly on screens smaller than a postcard; images and clips from films become carriers of memes and diverge from the source material. With the Walkers exhibition, curator Robert M. Rubin asks, “If the twentieth century was the century of the moving image, and the twenty-first century is the century of the digital image, what happens to all those celluloid signs in a virtual world?"
Photo Credit: Thanassi Karageorgiou